Comments on: Alpinestars Tech-Air Airbags Get Updated & Expanded for 2022 Motorcycles Distilled Sun, 16 Jan 2022 12:34:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adrian M Sun, 16 Jan 2022 12:34:48 +0000 In reply to Beverly Drangus.

RST is definitely a respectable brand. I went to their site and it looks pretty darn good. I’ll do some more research. Thank you!

By: Beverly Drangus Thu, 13 Jan 2022 15:21:47 +0000 In reply to Adrian M.

RST (In&Motion) has a cheaper option. Not quite 1/10 price, and no hip coverage though.

By: Adrian M Wed, 12 Jan 2022 14:19:42 +0000 Someone needs to hack a poor man’s version for 1/10th the price. This sector is quickly becoming a rich man’s endeavor. I also want to mention that Alpinestars and Dainese are both guilty of constantly looking for a way to increase profit margins by creating levels of exclusivity among their line ups. They also make gear that you mostly can only crash in once. A totally impractical concept in my opinion and one aimed at profit mainly.

This is all cool in capitalism but it doesn’t reflect very well upon the masses that see them repeatedly releasing products at unattainable prices. And yes, $900 for an air bag is a lot of money. You can bike a dirt bike for that much and in some places even a decent used car.

For now, and apparently for the foreseeable future, I’ll stick with my SAS-tec and D3O pads. I also love my Forcefield Pro Sub 4 back protector which I can crash in all day and is still the industry best back protector, EVER! I know you can’t compare my gear to Airbags but it’s the most practical and attainable I’ve yet to find. Btw, I still use Astar’s gloves and boots. I’m not against the brand, I love their stuff, when I can afford it.

Btw, don’t get me started on how Shoei and Arai have been making millions and offering nothing but new livery for decades. They should do some collabs with HD. That’s about how advanced they are.

By: AdamC Wed, 12 Jan 2022 12:04:11 +0000 In reply to MM.

I just bought a new suit that I sized specifically to fit with room for my Tech-Air5 vest. The only issue I’ve found is that it can be a real bear to get the suit up and over the rigid part containing the air canisters and electronics by myself. Not a huge issue at the track where there’s people who can help, but its almost a non starter for solo street riding (not that I wear one-piece race leathers for regular street rides anyway)

By: Jensen Beeler Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:48:00 +0000 In reply to MM.

It’s just a lot of space. If you have that much space in your jacket, I’d wager you bought the wrong jacket for your size. Now, if you’ve lost some weight and find there’s room now, maybe that’s a good solution

By: Jensen Beeler Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:46:46 +0000 In reply to Eric E.


By: Eric E Mon, 10 Jan 2022 18:48:35 +0000 Can the vest be worn under. My suit has enough room to accomodate my heated liner. That would be a way more convenient option.

By: n/a Mon, 10 Jan 2022 18:32:09 +0000 How about an update for the GP Pro gloves? The original ones were pretty much perfect, the R3 version are horrible, I had to give them away.

By: MM Mon, 10 Jan 2022 17:34:03 +0000

However, our experience in this space is that suits tend not to fit very well under these requirements.

That’s something I’ve been wondering about. Does your suit just end up flapping about a lot when sized to suit airbags?
